BURGER NIGHT Tonight🍔 and Mother’s Day Buffet tomorrow! Come see us!! #burgernight #mothersday #buffet

Soft Shell Week is here🦀 Help us hold our title for Best Soft Shells on the OBX! Please cast your vote! #softshell #bestwinner

Snowy Grouper topped with Jumbo Lump Crabmeat & Hollandaise over Asparagus Asiago Risotto!
Slip into the Osprey Lounge for Toolan & Evans 5:30-8:30pm #localseafood #grouper #tapasnight

SOFT SHELLS ARE BACK🦀 We have bites & whole crabs on the menu tonight! Join us 4:30-8:30pm! Stick around for Ty Fleming in the Osprey Lounge! #softcrabs #softshells #localseafood #livemusic @tyfleming7

A beautiful site! Ricky & Lucy in their nest with babies on the way and in the background Owner Vicki Basnight setting pots for soft shell crabs! #localseafood #softshells #osprey

Tapas Night with Local Fish Cakes! Join us 4:30-8:00pm #localseafood #tapas

Soft Crabs coming soon🦀 We catch em, shed em, & cook them to perfection! #softcrabs #softcrabseason

Burger Night & Great Local Seafood Specials🍔 Swipe to check out all our nightly specials including this jalapeño burger! #burgernight #localseafood

Sushi & Pasta Night 🍣🍝 open 4:30-8:00pm #sushinight #pastanight

Join us this evening 4:30-8:00pm for dinner! Swipe to check out our nightly specials. No sushi tonight:( #dinnerspecials #chickenparmesan